It’s a shitty day.

I have to do work but the internet is a bitch. I live in a country where the speed of internet, is something South Korea would curse on. And I had to finish uploads of articles. Oh well.

And what do you know? My dad came. Then him and mom both come at me telling me to leave my past company, bidding goodbye, then further on talking about how you should leave work like you were friends and all. I was patient at first.

Okay. But once mom butted in, I was like… “Would you both please just shut up?!” I hate it. I hate it when people repeat stuff to me. I hate it when people make me be “friends” to people I don’t like. And I hate talking to people I don’t like in general. I already told Sara I’m leaving and all that shit. And what did she tell me? Nothing. 

Then my parents tell me shit like that. No. I am not going to talk to people who don’t want to talk to me. I have no responsibility towards them anymore since I already resigned. “Be friends with them, they said”. 

They are not my friends. I had no friends in that office. I leave and it’s all over. It has been over ever since anyway. No use creating something I have no plan in making it last.
And the bummest part of the day for me?!

My glasses snapped. Amazing!

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